Mary Fran and her work have been featured on a number of media outlets. Mary Fran is available for media appearances (radio and television) as well as print publications. For more information contact Mary Fran at or download her one sheet HERE.
Conferences, Corporate, Media
TEDx Lehigh University–Mary Fran presents, Ending Our Addiction to Awesome: Embracing Limits to Soar.
Greater Northeast Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Conference–Mary Fran presents The Power of Reinvention!
National Association of Professional Organizers, 2018 Convention--Mary Fran presents, Harnessing the Power of Self-Talk.
TEDx Loyola University–Mary Fran presents, Surrender, Dorothy: The Power of Giving IT Up.
EntrepreneurOnFire—Podcast interview with John Lee Dumas of EOFire and Fire Nation. An awesome interview with one of the best podcasters in the business!
The Big Talk Radio–Join me and host of The Big Talk, Tricia Brouk, as we discuss what came first, the book or the talk?
Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond–Join me and Lynnis Woods-Mullins, where we talk joy, aging (yes, they go together), and no fear!
Women’s Summit on Entrepreneurship, Bucks County Community College Speaker: Women, Leadership, and Your Inner Monologue
EmCare Physician Services, Speaker
Society of Professional Women, Speaker
Victorious Woman Gala, Speaker
Penn Suburban Women’s Group, Speaker
Greater Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Conference, Speaker
The Great Girlfriends, Interview with Mary Fran
Women in Business Book Club discusses The Woman’s Book of Dirty Words, Doylestown Book Shop, Doylestown, PA
The Creative Giant Show with Charlie Gilkey, Radio Guest Expert
REBOOT your business with Best Kept Self, Guest Expert “The Power of No!”
Women of Willow Grove, Speaker
Soroptimist International, Speaker
Eastern Montgomery County Women’s Connection (EMCWC), Speaker
The Sophia Group, Speaker – “Beware the Dirty Words”
Delaware Valley College, Speaker
The Scoop Radio Show on WWDB-AM, Philadelphia, Co-Host
Women to Watch with Susan Rocco, Radio Guest
Real Mom Media with Joey Fortman, BEN FM Philadelphia, Radio Guest
The Wellness Journey with Lynnis Woods-Mullins, Radio Guest
The Dawn Show with Dawn Stensland, WMCN TV, TV Guest
Upwords with Chris Ermer on WBCB-AM, Radio Guest
Life Lessons with Kimberly Rinaldi, Radio Guest
The Life’s Dash Radio with Michele Mattia, Radio Guest
Not So Soccer Mom Radio with Jill Hickey, Guest
Network Now Annual Conference, Speaker
Women’s Business Forum of Bucks County, Speaker
The O’Connor Group Quarterly Women’s Event, Speaker
And more!

Mary Fran and Dr. Jennifer Gardella
YWCA Women Who Make a Difference
The Salute to Women Who Make a Difference is a hallmark event of the YWCA that proudly honors female leaders. Each year, the YWCA Salute to Women recognizes women making exceptional contributions to their businesses, organizations, and communities. Mary Fran Bontempo is recognized for her work as a mentor to women through her writing, speaking, and support of women dealing with a loved one struggling with addiction.
“An accomplished author, Ms. Bontempo has selflessly presented to countless networking groups helping women to overcome the limitations they create in their own minds. Her message is simple: Even in our darkest days, we can make the choice to create only positive self-talk and bring about great change.”
Dr. Jennifer Gardella

Mary Fran (Author), Robyn Graham (Photography), Kristin Smedley (Power Person)
Bucks Happening Author Award
With thousands of people, places, and businesses vying for top spot in the most competitive Happening List contest ever, a select few have taken home top honors as Winners in the 2017 Bucks Happening List Competition. Author, Mary Fran Bontempo, with the hilarious and inspiring Woman’s Book of Dirty Words, soared to the top prize in the Author Category. Her entertaining and approachable style and message make her a fan favorite!
Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop
The Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop honors and features humor writers whose work reflects the style, sensibility and joy of the late Erma Bombeck. Mary Fran Bontempo captures the essence of Erma’s joy for life and ability to teach and inspire through her humorous take on the everyday and its challenges. Mary Fran has been a featured writer and received Honorable Mention for her delightful and inspiring work from the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop.